Steve Jobs by Gabriel

The hero restyled we are going to speak about today is very famous and well-known for his big business with smartphones nowadays. We are going to speak about Steve Jobs.
Steve Jobs was born in California in 1955. He had a classic education but he was brilliant. His full name is Steven Paul Jobs. He was a businessman and on the first of April, 1976 he made something that would become very influential in the future : Apple® company. He created Apple with two colleagues but they are not important for the story. By the way, at the beginning of Apple, the logo wasn’t a simple Apple but a representation of Newton with the apple that fell on his head. Apple was the first to make computers such as Lisa or Macintosh. Microsoft made the same after but the very first to have the idea was Steve Jobs. That’s one of his heroic acts. He also made smartphones (the iPhones) for everybody!! So, X public had the image of a great figure of electronics when they thought about Steve Jobs. Steve Jobs had this kind of power because he had a high skill in electronics and also in management.

But in 2003, he discovered that he had a cancer and only had 10 years of life expectancy left. But he didn’t give up !.. until 2007 when Fortune magazine made something very bad : they called Steve « the most powerful businessman ». He was in New-York City at this moment.

At this point, Steve Jobs changed into a very power-hungry person. He knew that he would die in the next 5 years, so he would do anything to win the country. Also, he had big help from a company of electronics. He became so insane that his employees wanted to send him to jail but without Steve Jobs, there is no Jobs (it rhymes). Steve Jobs was very powerful, so he could make everything he wanted to make. But he didn’t want to break his notoriety, so he acted in the dark. He decided to create viruses for Windows® because it was Apple’s concurrent. Why do you think there are so many viruses only on Windows® ? He also decided to open an account in other countries to transfer his money and to pay less taxes. Finally, he decided to give less life expectancy to all Apple products. That’s why when a new version of an iPhone is released, the old one starts to have bugs. That’s what he made in the dark. But he also made bad things in broad daylight. For example, he broke an iPhone in Time Square to show that iPhones were very effective but very easily frangible. He also announced to everybody on the mergent Facebook network where all the iPhones were produced in China but employees underpaid !

That is also the moment when Steve Jobs hated Bill Gates but Microsoft products were more effective than Apple computers and Samsung was starting to grow. In  2010, Steve Jobs decided to calm down and he knew that the end was near. So he decided to give a big part of his money to an association that fought against cancer that he suffered from. He wanted to give a good life to his wife and his children after his death, so he decided to make Tim Cook the new boss of Apple. Steve Jobs left the Earth in 2011.

Rest In Peace Steve Jobs… You will always be in our memories.



4 mistakes = +1.5

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